How you use your income and available credit can make a huge difference to your lifestyle, so it’s very important to get it right. That means getting reliable, ongoing advice and support from a professional credit advisor you know and trust.
Your mortgage and finance broker can help you with all your big purchases, throughout every stage of your life – from your first home to an investment property, or even a new car or funding for your small business. Here are some of the benefits of maintaining a long-term relationship with your broker.
Deal with one person who understands you.
When you first meet with us, we take the time to understand your personal financial situation and your goals for the future. That not only means we work with you to help you make a good decision about a loan for what you need right now. It also means we work with you to ensure the decision you make is a good one for your financial future.
Whenever you need to make a big purchase or an important decision about a loan moving forward, your broker will be ready to help. We’ll keep all your paperwork on file and ensure we understand your goals, and that will save you a lot of time and hassle.
By contrast, when you go direct to a bank to get that first loan, they are only concerned about that one loan – not with what happens next. So, every time you need assistance with a new loan, you’re forced to start the whole process from scratch with someone new – which can be very frustrating and time-consuming.
Maximise your income and available credit.
If you don’t have the benefit of advice from a trusted professional, how do you know you’re using your income and borrowing power to its full advantage? The last thing you want to do is waste money or miss out on opportunities to secure the home and lifestyle you really want for you and your family.
A long-term relationship with your broker gives you support to maximise your income and improve your financial situation as you progress through your life stages. This knowledge and positive support will help you to achieve the lifestyle you want and make realistic plans to use your income and borrowing power wisely to support your lifestyle in the future.
We’ll even work together with your financial planner, accountant or other professional advisors to help you achieve your financial goals and we won’t charge you for our time.
Support to achieve financial independence.
Banks tend to be strictly transactional. They just provide the service you ask for and you usually only hear from them again when they’ve got another product they want to sell.
By contrast, your broker is here to protect your interests. You can expect to hear from us regularly with any important information that is relevant to you when the opportunity arises to save money or to support you in taking the next step in your wealth-building journey.
Manage your loans and stay on top of your financial situation.
As you progress through the different stages of your life, your financial situation will change. A common example is when you and your partner have a child and your income temporarily reduces from two salaries to one.
We will always be on hand to help you manage life stage changes and issues. A bank will not necessarily support you personally, which can be worrisome.
Call us for a chat today.
If you’re looking to buy your first home, purchase your next one, invest in property or refinance your home loan just let us know. We can even help with competitive car loans if you want to take advantage of the fantastic EOFY car sales that are on right now. We love helping you with your lifestyle purchases, as well as achieve your homeownership and wealth-building goals, so please get in touch today.