Take control of your budget

Getting your budget under control and your finances in order is absolutely essential to anyone looking to apply for a home loan, but it’s particularly important for first-home buyers about to take the first step on the property ladder. Here are a few things to consider to get financially fit for a home loan application […]

Smart ways to save for a deposit

Owning your own home is one of the major life goals for most people. Saving for a deposit can seem daunting at first, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are a number of things to consider to get you started and on track for homeownership sooner than you think. Analyse your current financial situation […]

Are Your Saving Skills Top-Notch?

2020 and 2021 have been years like no other! With the new financial year upon us, now is the perfect time to consider your financial goals for the next 12 months, and the best place to start is with a good money management plan. We’ll share some great tips in this article. But first, complete […]

Smart ways to manage your Christmas debts

Did your Christmas spending get out of hand this year? You are not alone! According to a recent news report, our 2019 Christmas spending binge is expected to leave us with a $29.7 billion credit card debt – that’s equivalent to $1,863 per credit card! The good news is that mortgage and finance brokers don’t just […]

Living expenses: how does it effect your borrowing capacity?

You may be surprised to discover that how much you spend on day-to-day living can considerably reduce the amount you are eligible to borrow, even if you are a high-income earner. So, if you’re planning to buy a home, it may be time to cut back on some of life’s little luxuries and set yourself […]

4 Benefits of Downsizing

If you’re looking to buy your next home, downsizing might be the way to go. After all, sometimes less is more and it could work wonders for your finances! In this article, we explore some of the benefits of downsizing – from cutting back on maintenance and energy costs, to having more money in your […]

5 Tips for Saving for your First Home

The comments in the news are enough to make you think saving a deposit for your first home is mission impossible. Not true! So, rather than just encouraging you to stop buying #SmashedAvo breakfasts to save your deposit, we’ve put together some practical tips to get your savings account over the finish line. We may […]